Individuals/ Innovators providing novel solutions to the demanding problems provided higher risks of failure need maximum support through mentoring legitimately.
ECH recognises these innovators and following schemes have been developed to encourage and foster technological entrepreneurship at early stages of their career.
The applications received for schemes will be screened by the Technical Experts Committee and the selected start-ups/innovators/ entrepreneurs will be considered for the following schemes depending upon the advancement of the technology/ readiness of the project/ requirement of the project. The cant utilisation will be for consumables, travel, services and manpower according to due diligence with selected start-ups/innovators/ entrepreneurs.
Academics To Marketability (ATM) programme focuses on identifying the ideas having the potential to translate the academic research into commercial products/ technologies. ATM also facilitates the consultancy charges to academicians through network meetings.
Eligible candidates: Students, faculty of colleges, universities etc.
Grant: up to Rs.50, 000/- depending on the advancement of the technology/readiness of the product / requirement for the project.
Incubation Duration: One month to 3 months depending on the requirement of incubation.
University Innovator to Entrepreneur (UnITE) scheme is to promote development of Proof-of-concept (PoC) for a process/product by academia with or without the involvement of industry.
Eligible candidates: Students of colleges, Universities etc.
Grant: up to Rs.50, 000/- depending on the advancement of the technology/readiness of the product / requirement for the project.
Incubation Duration: One week to 3 months depending on the requirement of incubation.
SPICE encourages young innovators of various disciplines to develop innovative products and technologies addressing unmet needs. This scheme will provide funding for the innovators to work on their idea in Entrepreneurship & Career Hub.
Eligible candidates: innovator with novel technology/ products from various disciplines.
Grant: The innovators will be funded from 1 lakh to 5 lakhs depending on the advancement of the technology/readiness of the product / requirement for the project.
Incubation Duration: One month to 6 months depending on the requirement of incubatee.